March 2022

Setting In and Staying Busy

Settling in and staying busy …. Sounds simple enough, right?  We have settled into a normal-ish routine here in Chiang Mai.  

After finding a Jiu Jitsu studio, Ruddy has been given the nickname “Kentucky Killer.”  If you know Ruddy, it’s appropriate.  He has done well adjusting to a new teaching style and has even earned a new stripe on his belt.  We were super blessed to find a studio with an American instructor so there is zero language barrier for him.  He is eager to get back home to Kentucky to Core Combat Sports though and see old friends and instructors!   

Perry has discovered Ballet here in is much different than at home.  The studios use Royal Academy of Dance curriculum from London.  It has been quite the adjustment learning dance from a “book” curriculum.  Also, we weren’t as lucky to find a native English speaking instructor and that has added to the struggle.  She has been a trooper and has hung in there for two hour long classes twice a week. 

Garrick has been living in the jungle since our last newsletter.  He spent 3 weeks in a location (I won’t mention for safety reasons) where he was able to put his “man of many skills” to good use.  He helped work on the operating room some, he fixed some mechanical issues with vehicles, motors, pumps, etc. and start setting up some solar to keep the batteries running all night if needed for a patient.  He was able to bring some encouragement to some field doctors through prayer that he met along the way and even connected with some local villagers with his lyrical talent.  Though not a singer, Garrick is generally up for whatever someone throws at him and, well, they asked him to sing.  So, he did.  I want to add in here that he can make up a song on a whim and pretty sure he did that for most of his entertainment debut.  Regardless of his ability to sing the correct words or not, I’m sure the local men sitting on the porch (let me paint the picture of the local retirees drinking coffee at McDonald’s at 6am in Lawrenceburg in your mind) enjoyed the giant white dude belting out song in a foreign language.  As adventuresome as his trip was, it was also quite dangerous.  I cannot share all the details, but he was in an area being bombed quite frequently and he came home with a souvenir rock that landed just a few feet away from him as a result of one of the bombs.  He also slept in a literal hole in the ground some nights rather than in one of the buildings in the village.  So many of these villages are needlessly destroyed and so many people killed or injured daily – please keep them in your prayers. There are hundreds of patients served at these small clinics because they are far and few between in the jungle and many of them have to travel for miles and miles.  We are certainly glad he is safely back under the same roof as us, but grateful he was able to go and help out for a few weeks. 

As for me … I have been quite busy too.  The kids schoolwork is coming to an end for our schoolyear.  They have worked really hard; doubling up on school days to stay on track and even finish up early – we’re getting there - I’m very proud of them for the hard work they have put in!  While they have been working, I have as well.  I am continuing to take Thai language lessons – and even though I’m not a very fluent speaker, I am learning – one day at a time.  I can pick out some things I hear when we’re out and about, so that’s kind of cool.  I also finished the first part of my Tesol course and will start the second part of that soon.  If you aren’t aware of what Tesol is – it is Teaching English to Students of Other Languages.  After the second portion of the class, I will be certified to teach in schools and other places.  I found an amazing organization that teaches you how to use this in ministry.  This will open up some doors to share the Gospel in a way that I am familiar with since I have homeschooled our kids for years.   

I have also put together some “itineraries” for different activities here in Chiang Mai.  We have worked hard and been super busy that it’s time to do some fun stuff!  Rather than a full week for spring break, we will take a couple of days here and there, so be prepared for picture overload!  There is so much to see here!!  In Aislinn’s words “you do love a good itinerary” – she’s not wrong.  I love to research and find all the fun, quirky places that you don’t see everyday! 

Very thankful that we found a church to connect with here in Chiang Mai.  Although we’ve only been a few times, we really like it.  The pastor and his family spent several years in Myanmar before coming to Thailand as a result of the military coup.  We really hope to be able to serve more through them as well before we leave.  They have outreach programs in various ways – serving the homeless, reaching out through worship programs downtown, etc.  They are in the middle of moving locations and Garrick has been able to reach out to offer help with that.  Hopefully the kids get comfortable enough there to participate in the youth programs – I’m sure they’re tired of hanging out with their parents all the time. 

Now, for the question I know is on everyone’s mind …. What about Foot-Long the lizard?!  Well, I think he decided we weren’t very good roommates.  The feeling is mutual.  We set traps for him and sought him out every chance we could.  We bought Nerf guns and shot at him and his girlfriend.  Also, you know the sticky mouse traps?  Well, they are the size of dinner plates here – for rats – which thankfully we haven’t had any run-ins.  However, you can stick them to the wall and catch lizards!  Unfortunately, we don’t have a Foot-Long trophy to show, but we did hear this awful commotion upstairs one afternoon and we knew it could mean only one thing – we caught Foot-Long.  So, up the stairs I run with my stick and Ruddy is on my heels with his Nerf gun.  Perry decided to stay downstairs in case she needed to escape quickly.  When I reached the top of the stairs, there he was … in all 12 inches of his glory – with his head stuck on my sticky trap!  It was a little intimidating – I won’t lie – to have him hanging from it by his head like that.  But he wasn’t giving up and neither was I.  He ripped his head off the trap and took off.  I chased him up the wall with my stick and got one good whack in before he ran behind the wall.  (FYI the wall connects to Perry’s shower and each of the bathrooms has one of those spinning vent things on the roof)  So, we ran to the bathroom and there he was on the wall above her shower.  Ruddy starts shooting at him and he runs to the vent and finally outside to the roof.  That was the last we saw of Foot-Long.  His girlfriend was around for a few more days but she didn’t like being shot at either so we haven’t seen her in a bit.  Occasionally though, we can hear them outside the house with their distinctive Tokay call just to let us know they’re still around and planning their next attack!  I think in retaliation, he ate the eggs from the birds nest that I had been watching outside my bedroom window.   

Thank you all for your continued support and prayer!  Please don’t stop with either!  There are so many ways to share God and good with these people that we need all the help we can get!!   

Please check out our website and Facebook page for pictures!   


Prayer Requests 

  • Garrick’s dad – Mike – cancer treatments start 

  • Operating Room Project and the people it will serve 

  • Safety of those living in Myanmar in target zones 

  • Continue to open doors to introduce the Gospel 

  • Safe Haven Orphanage – we had to cancel our plans to go due to a Covid outbreak  

  • Learning Thai language 

  • Refuge Fellowship – moving locations 

  • Prepare for trip home and plan for return trip 

  • Our friend Daniel and his family – he had to flee to Thailand in December 2021 and has been away from his wife and children since then.  He is currently trying to get them to Thailand as well. 


  • Garrick made it home safely 

  • Project progress at KMC 

  • Kids are settling into routine 

  • Found a church to connect with 

  • Visa extensions approved 


June 2022


January/February 2022